Screening of Cyril Dion's ANIMAL and round-table discussion

March 23, 2022

Screening as part of the "Global Happiness" exhibition at the City Pully cinema. The film was followed by a round-table discussion raising the question of our relationship with nature and the living world around us. How can we foster the development of a society that supports life?

With Sarah Koller, researcher and practitioner in ecopsychology, doctoral student in the Faculty of Geosciences and Environment at the University of Lausanne (UNIL); Laurence Paoli, founder of the Unlimited Nature Institute, author of books on the human/animal bond; Michel Ansermet, director of Aquatis Aquarium-Vivarium Lausanne. Discussion moderated by Lila Erard, journalist with Terre & Nature.

How to live well in 2050 with less energy" conference

November 23, 2021

Conference organized as part of the GLOBAL HAPPINESS exhibition at Impact Hub Lausanne, with Professor Julia Steinberger
at UNIL and a specialist in societal issues related to the impacts of climate change, and René Longet, an expert in sustainable development.

Lecture by Ha Vinh Tho, specialist in happiness and Gross National Happiness

November 3, 2021

To mark the opening of the Helvetas exhibition, Ha Vinh Tho gave a talk on the theme of happiness.

The former director of the Centre for Gross National Happiness in Bhutan spoke of the conditions, both inner and social, that foster our ability to live a happy and satisfying life, with respect for others and nature.

Meeting with Francis Hallé "Temperate forests and tropical forests, a comparison".

March 4, 2020

The Fondation Aquatis presented the fourth event in a series devoted to the "Rivières Volantes" exhibition at the Lausanne Aquarium-Vivarium.

The event welcomed Francis Hallé, botanist, biologist, dendrologist and author of numerous books.

He has lectured extensively in France and around the world, and is considered a pioneer in the exploration of life in the treetops of tropical forests. His approach to the study of trees and forests has given the public an experience filled with immense knowledge and humanity.

Francis Hallé presented the mechanism of plant-animal co-evolution. He also highlighted the essential difference between tropical and temperate forests in terms of the biological and physical constraints faced by living beings in these environments.

"Tropical forests and temperate forests are both collections of trees, with associated faunas: at this level of perception, they seem identical. However, there is an essential difference between them, which lies in the nature of the constraints faced by the beings that live in these forests. In temperate latitudes, these constraints are physical (cold, fire, wind, etc.) and when physical constraints increase, biodiversity decreases", he explained.

Following the conference, Francis Hallé and Roland Keller took part in a book signing.

Partnership with La Salamandre magazine.

"Drawing trees with Francis Hallé

March 4, 2020

Francis Hallé gave a drawing workshop to post-compulsory school pupils to learn more about the architecture of plants and trees.

Screening of Aurélien Francisco Barros' film "Les rivières volantes" and round-table discussion

February 5, 2020

Les rivières volantes, a film by Aurélien Francisco Barros, winner of the Prix Tournesol at the 2019 Green Film Festival

At the CityClub cinema in Pully, director Aurélien F. Barros unveiled a fascinating phenomenon that reveals a little-known facet of the Amazon rainforest's role in climate regulation.

The screening was followed by a discussion on the challenges of reforestation with Aurélien F. Barros, Prof. Louis Nusbaumer of the Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques de Genève, and Gérard Moss, eco-explorer and initiator of the Rios Voadores expedition in Brazil.

Meet Puwé, Vari and Shimanuri

November 20, 2019

Presentation of "L'eau d'ici et d'ailleurs" organized as part of the Rivières Volantes exhibition.

Puwé and Vari from the Puyanawa people and Shimanu Ushiga from the Sapara people were on hand to talk about the importance of water and raise awareness among children and teenagers.

The Puyanawa people, who live in the Brazilian state of Acre, have fought to preserve their traditional values. Today, they are considered a model for the preservation of indigenous culture in the Amazon.

The members of the community present came specially from Amazonia to raise public awareness in French-speaking Switzerland.

The event was presented in collaboration with the NiceFuture Association.

RIVIÈRES VOLANTES" conference at Aquatis

October 9, 2019

Prof. Dr. Antonio Donato Nobre, one of the world's leading specialists in tropical forest ecology, flew in specially from Brazil to give an exclusive talk on the occasion of the opening of the Rivières Volantes exhibition.

He was joined at the conference by explorers Margi Moss and Gérard Moss, the initiators of the exhibition and both behind the expedition to study flying rivers. Together, the trio invited the audience on a journey between science and exploration to understand the essential and fascinating phenomenon of flying rivers.